C4D Pictures By Roy Burton. A few 3D rendered pictures created with C4D on a A1200 with a Blizard 030/50 an 32meg of fast RAM. tuned with ImageFX and Photogenics. 1/ STINGER, Used ImageFX for the overall motion blur the pulses were created by adding black nonreflective tubes over the light beams, render took 50 mins. using scan line rendering. 2/ REVENGE, This render took 12 Hours with all quality options on, as you can see it was not worth it, as the scan line version looked just as good. 3/ HEADLAND, This uses a Model head from a sister magazine 'Computer Arts Interactive' by Future Publishing, disc 34 Aug 1999, and was part of a Tutorial on 3D Skills. which I modified slightly. 4/ SPACEMAN This used the same model head as above, every other part of the scene I created. The TV picture was made by moving the camera to the position of the space-helmit mini cam. it was rendered and saved and a brush of it was put on to the main picture with the help of IMAGEFX, this was also used to reduce the contrast for a LCD look. 5/ ERRORS, Dramatic Backdrop was from a Photo I took of a sunset. 6/ VISITORS, A SciFi type picture I used gray scale for its effect. Text added to picture with Photogenics 2. Icons created by Picicon by Chad Randall. In respect of all material which forms my reader contribution to Future Publishing's Amiga Format I hereby warrant that:- (1) the material is original and does not infringe any other material or rights; (2) the material does not contain any material which is defamatory, obscene or indecent and is exempt from classification under the Video Recordings Act 1984; (3) that there are no legal claims against the material provided; (4) that I have full power and authority to provide this material to Future Publishing.